Terms & Conditions

Reservation and Cancellation Shri Madan Mahal Rooms/Banquet/Mariage Garden booking and cancellations are as per Rules & Regulation of Shri Madan Mahal and payment will be in accordance with the procedure of Shri Madan Mahal. No contract will subsist unless and until Shri Madan Mahal accepts your order by e-mail or automated confirmation through the Site confirming that it has accepted your reservation, booking or order and any such contract shall be deemed to incorporate the reservation rules of booking and house rules. You undertake that all details you provide to in connection with any services or products which may be offered by Shri Madan Mahal on the Site (including hotel room reservations) will be correct and, where applicable, the credit card / Debit Card which you use is your own and that there are sufficient funds to cover the cost of any services or products which you wish to purchase. Shri Madan Mahal reserves the right to obtain validation of your credit card /Debit Card details before providing you with any services or products.

Settlements of bills Bills must be settled on presentation, Cheques are not accepted. All foreign Nationals are requested to settle their bills in rupees with valid exchange documents. 100% advance is required prior to check in.

Lien on Guest’s Luggage and Belongings In case of default in payment of dues by a Guest, the management shall have a lien on the luggage and belongings, and be entitled to detain the same and to sell or auction such property at any time without reference to the Guest and appropriate the net sale proceed towards the amount due by the Guests without prejudice to the Management’s right to adopt such further recovery proceeding as may be required.

Guest’s Belongings Guests are particularly requested to lock the door of their rooms when going to bed, and not to leave the key in the key hole. The management will not in any way whatsoever be responsible for any loss and or damage of Guest’s belongings or any other property from the room or any other part of the property for any causes whatsoever including theft or pilferage.

Hazardous Goods Bringing into and/or storing of raw or exposed cinema films or any other articles of a combustible or hazardous nature and or prohibited goods and or goods of objectionable nature, in the property is prohibited. The guest shall be solely liable and responsible to the management for its other guests, invitees, visitors, agents and servants for any loss, financial or other and damage that may be caused by such articles or negligence and non-observance of any/all instructions.

Liability In any case, the management shall not be responsible towards any person or its valuables for the damage of whatsoever nature, as the same should be take care by guest. The guest should perform his due diligence and checking before utilizing any accessories and services such as lift, stairs, electric equipments, water coolers, parking, water tanks etc. as any damage due to these would be the responsibility of guest.

Use of facilities The Guest shall use the facilities and services available in the property with care and caution and entirely at the guest’s risk. The Guest shall agree to abide by and follow all instruction placed by the management at various places in the premises. The management shall not be responsible for any injury to the guest or damage to the guest’s goods that may be caused as a result of use of the facility/services or any reason whatsoever.

Damage of Property The guest will be held responsible for any loss or damage to the property caused by themselves, their friends or any person for whom they are related.

Dogs and Pets Dogs and pets are not permitted in the Hotel Premises.

Management’s rights It is agreed that the guest will conduct himself/herself in a respectable manner and not cause any nuisance or annoyance in the premises. The management reserves its right to refuse of admission to any person in the premises. Management has also right to request to any guest to vacate his/her room or other areas of the property forthwith, without prior notice and without assigning any reason and the guest shall be bound to do so. the management shall have the right to change the room allocated to the guest any time, without assigning any reason and without any previous notice or to shift the guest to any other suitable accommodation.

Nothing herein, shall constitute or deemed to be constitute or create any tenancy or sub tenancy or any other right or interest in the premises or any part /portion thereof, in favors of any guest or resident or visitor and the management shall always be deemed to be in full and absolute possession and control of the premises.

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